Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Did somebody mention stickers?

But it sure is expensive!

You guys remember, we mentioned we would like get some stickers printed with our blog-link on it? Well, we didn't ditch the concept - we still think it's very cool -, but we were abit discouraged by the prices some printshops dare to charge!

here are some examples:

12x6cm - 1000 pieces - 400 €
12x6cm - 500 pieces - 350 €
12x6cm - 750 pieces - 250 €

So after we got those prices we were about to give up. It's like they don't want people to put up some cool stickers in the streets.

But then we stumbled upon a website, a dutch one. They sold it like this:

12x6cm - 1000 pieces - 140 €

Now people, that's what we call a good price.
This means we're "that" much closer to getting the stickers up!

Stick around (get it?) and see!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Back from the Moon!

It has been awhile. The blog hasn't been updated for like a month. But we're back and we'll crack up some good shit for you guys to view or read!

For the not so very smart people, we didn't really go to the Moon . Getting there, chatting with the locals and flying back isn't possible in one month. Although we invite everyone to try it. Don't forget to e-mail us with the result.

So what were we doing then?

We have been very busy. This resulted in the lack of pictures. So we decided we would wait with updating until we had more time. That moment is now. So bookmark us again and start putting up some comments if you like our posts or pictures!

In the meantime, kick back and light a smoke.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Pictures of the Year 2007

So today I was browsing the web when I came across the website of the press agency Reuters. They made a list with some top notch pictures from 2007. Visit the website here.

Look below to see what kind of pictures you can expect to see at the website!

Ain't he a great actor?


Our deepest apologies for not updating the blog yesterday. Let's forget it quickly by adding a new picture right now!

Which button shall I press?

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Dare to skate at night?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Beer, it's your friend.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Is there light at the end of the tunnel?